Friday, February 02, 2007

Dear David Bright: :Is there not a resolution on which we can concur?

Hey Dave,
Been sittin on this piece for quite sometime now debating. In rebuttal and with all due respect I present the convergent face.

I really hope those screen descriptions as per written allegations are untrue for the sake of Del Mar College. I understand the Heron did not publish Olson's article in it's entirety. Who applied the brakes Dave was it you?

We are not asking for the removal or termination of President Garcia but for Carlos Garcia to be placed on administrative leave pending resolution.

“I really don’t have a dog in that fight”

Now, that brought a big smile my face and an even bigger chuckle

WATT’s that descriptive word I am looking for?

(((((((((((((((((((BILLBOARD )))))))))))))))))))))))

That phrase needs to go on a billboard or two.

And WATT “Moved” you to put it in writing and publish the “Rejoinder”?

Substantially shocked?????

Come on Dave? Give us something better than that.

I can understand the shock value of the original uncut article by Bruce Olson, especially if

“I really didn’t have a dog in that fight”


Did you not represent a Del Mar College Defendant in a Federal Adversarial Process?

Did you not represent DMC in house counsel as per Baker Botts Report and WTP Jan 2007?

The DMC in house counsel’s JOB Opportunities are directly dependent on the DMC President’s Job Opportunities

So YES, the Author or Authors “Really DO have a dog in that fight”.

Let us Progress.

Whether Garcia admitted it or not?


is there substantial evidence?

There are police reports and the Cox litigation documents; the allegations ARE there.

I suppose you already know the lady I am referring to?

Now with the "admitting it to the Board" part, I cannot envision Carlos Garcia admitting anything unless he labored under a very heavy burden to do so.

There are those “in house” who do claim knowledge and of text messages as well.

There are also rumblings of censorship in which a certain faction of Democratic Party is protecting the in house counsel and the weak publication balked.

No Balls to speak truth to power.

Well it appears you are getting exactly WATT you paid for Dave?

A Puppet Show.

WATT is there “no evidence” of?

The SGA Events and the investigation

· Initially the incidents were not investigated and hushed

· The SGA investigation and the SGA final report withheld facts from the Regents.

· How long were the SGA sex issues and the SGA investigation report intended to remain secret from the Regents? How long was it a secret?

· Why would

· Fact: DMC Upper Echelon Employees were in attendance; was it a primary motivating factor to cover up? Was it a factor?

· In our research, we find Jose Rivera as the investigator.

· Is it true Ms Cox had no involvement in the SGA investigation? Signature?

· Other than the students, has there been any one else held accountable.

· The Regents are accountable

· The President is accountable.

· DMC Employees who were in attendance (@SGA Event) must be held accountable

· The investigator and the alliances that conspired to withhold this knowledge from the Regents and the Community must be held accountable.

· The expulsion of a single female student (when it takes at least two to tango) must be addressed.

· Did the expulsion of this student prevent her grievance process from continuing?

· There are rumors of Settlements & Nuisance Settlements, why would the College pay just to make a false claim go away. These settlements are admissions of _____________?

· Censorship only cuts off lines of problem solving.

I am not affiliated with any DMC Employees nor am I connected to Shari Parker as has been alleged.

I respectfully request acknowledgement of the public’s right to inform DMCall on the current events and issues involving DMC via the Public Email System and to engage the ideas and solutions from within.

Is the choice to censor to block my access to a public email system because, the facts are unfavorable to one’s side?

Evidence that there was little or no punishment?

One girl was expelled and the SGA was disbanded.

Is there any other punishment?

WATT about the DMC Faculty and Staff in attendance?

Who are accountable?

Who was there?

Who stayed overnight?

I have not heard the conversation but have read the transcript. One person knew they were being recorded and acted prim and proper. The history will prove this woman Rosie Garcia with a most venomous tongue. I am sure Melody was expecting more of the same. Rosie pulled the femme fatale and this was a set up. Although Ms Lopez did fall for it.

Perfect Example of why the students need an advocate.


Now, a master of splitting hairs and technically an appearance of a confident correct point established however, the Texas Workforce has been the impetus of investigations conducted at DMC. The Department of Justice has never been invited but has been asked to leave DMC. They did visit in inquiry.

Now to the issue of “dismissed”.

This was dismissed because the young girls did not attend the college.

We can go on like this but why?

If it was your girls that Mr Meredith violated; I am certain we would have had a checkmate by now.


I am telling you we have a problem and covering it up only makes things worse.

DR Sansing and Dr Olson work there, you and I do not.

There are many others who work at DMC who voice this same message but fear retaliation or modification of JOB opportunities.

Is there not a resolution on which we can concur?

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