Kenedeno Hardcopy
Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year....................... The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep,
Monday, March 30, 2009
Nueces De La Parra: Shamsie “Strong Arms” Solomon Ortiz & Rene Rodriguez
Corpus Christi Watchdog Authority: Gov Richard Perry positions Hubert to Retaliate on me & my people.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tlee: I just went fishing and stumbled upon this whole mess of a STORY?
Posted on October 28, 2005 at 05:04:43 PM by tlee
Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT MARIE F! However, confusion has set in. I've have read and posted and have even asked questions that some here took the time to answer. Thank you for that. The plot just keeps on thickening! I can't follow the storyline anymore.
So I have a question, when will the courts decide on the exumation of JK?
And when they do decide to EXUM or not to EXUM, what happens from there.
Also, how many people who are posting here could be possibly related to JK directly or indirectly.
Whoever runs this board can ping my IP and find that out easily. And if you do, can you please "lay to rest" the thought that some have here that I am Marie F? A simple NO she's not would be easy enough.
tlee: I thought you were a person who honors your word??Posted on October 28, 2005 at 06:14:50 PM by Jaime I mean I dont mind you returning and writing but did you not say you were out of here to never post again? And for a scholarly individual who chose to insult my integrity...... learn how to spell! EXHUME not EXUM!
Re(1): tlee: I thought you were a person who honors your word??Posted on October 28, 2005 at 07:09:24 PM by tleeYou know, if all I had to do was NIT PICK and go through your posts and point out all spelling errors that you've made, that would be GREAT! But I came HERE TO THIS BOARD TO LEARN ABOUT THIS CASE. You've made your mind up about me and I obviously cannot change your mind. With that said, again, I came to LEARN about this case. Was it not you that said I could ask questions? I did, you answered and somewhere along the lines you decided that I was Marie F? How the hell that happened, I DON'T KNOW? You tell me? There are others here posting, you can ignore my posts, which is fine with me, but I would simply like to be able to read and post my questions here on this board without being HARASSED!
Re(2): tlee: I thought you were a person who honors your word??Posted on October 28, 2005 at 09:24:52 PM by marie Hi, I am Marie, We have asked for this board to be deleted many times, for this very reason! Jaime aka a list of other names he and his wife go by not to worry, contact
Re(3): tlee: I thought you were a person who honors your word??Posted on November 2, 2005 at 05:51:59 AM by dannoynted1YOU ARE THE EXPERT AT NAME CHANGING! I GO BY MY BIRTH NAME UNLIKE YOUNELL MAY STAYSEA OR WHAT EVER VALENTINES DAY
Re(3): tlee: I thought you were a person who honors your word??Posted on October 31, 2005 at 11:47:43 PM by tleeI saw this post the other night and ignored it. For some reason though I have to ask you, ARE YOU REALLY THE REAL MARIE F? If you are? How is that you had this board shut down, it reopened and now you want it shut down again? Is there another board that you do endorse, or can you give us an update on the case? Thanks, tlee
Marie F: How is that U had this board shut down, it reopened and now you want it shut down again"? Posted on November 1, 2005 at 02:12:50 AM by Jaime Kenedeño In your own words Marie? Everybody wants to hear your side of the story?
Re(3): tlee: I thought you were a person who honors your word??Posted on October 28, 2005 at 11:08:21 PM by tleeALRIGHTY THEN! Can we complicate this any more for ME? With "DO RESPECT" and if my english or grammar is WRONG, I trust Jaime will correct me?! "spellcheckr"
Cool!Posted on October 28, 2005 at 11:23:14 PM by Jaime tlee as I said before I am not into the pet peeve of spellchecking. Your posting regarding scholarly individuals and the rhetoric you enabled drew a knee jerk response! I apologize!
Re(1): Cool!Posted on October 29, 2005 at 02:00:14 AM by tleeI don't think you're a bad person! You stand for something you believe in?spellcheckr...LOL......Blood is our GOD GIVEN RIGHT! The need to know "where we come from is great"! Blood is important! But the the need to know who's blood is even greater!
OK tlee, you speak of BLOOD?Posted on October 29, 2005 at 02:13:43 AM by Jaime I concur! All Blood Relations of Kenedy DNA! All previous heirs who were swindled! All known & unknown DNA relations this litigation must represent! What is it you posture?
Re(1): OK tlee, you speak of BLOOD?Posted on November 1, 2005 at 00:48:04 AM by tleeIt's personal to me, but not in the same sense for all of YOU! I love the history and the research. I can put Kenedy Ranch into Google and read all day long, I may not know exactly what I'm reading, but eventually I'll put it all together. There are so many characters in this that I can't keep up. So my next next question, are you related? Or are you just "fighting the fight"? Also, some of the others here that post? Were they/you enlisted to help with the case? What happened to make you and the others and the Fernandez's to not be on the same page? NO.. I'm not writing a book! Hell...this story needs it's own Mini Series! But with a plot that the GP can follow.
OK tlee, At this time I am not related.....Posted on November 1, 2005 at 02:07:14 AM by Jaime Kenedeño but I have not my DNA submitted for comparison. I have known this Element for a long time in South Texas. I was not in the least interested. My Father & Mother lived underneath Andy & Denise Turcotte when Andy was building the boat. Andy Turcotte was their landlord and friend. He spoke everyday to my father while he would soak the long peices of wood so that they would bow. My Father has been invited numerous times to Dine with The Armstrong's on their Chicago Ranch as Johnny referred to it. Tobin Armstrong would always say Come on down and we'll fill up your feed sack". He was a good man and probably seen nothing wrong with his ways as he was blinded to them. How I entered the Stage is well documented. Read "Ouch" on
Re(1): OK tlee, At this time I am not related.....Posted on November 1, 2005 at 10:22:54 AM by tleeI have the link to Eric Von Wade, But can you direct me to the "ouch"? thanks,
OK tlee Ouch it is.Posted on November 1, 2005 at 11:55:09 AM by Jaime Kenedeño The first meeting with Ray & Marie Fernandez. Ouch!
dannoynted1 Posts: 159
Ouch! Excerpt from the book soon to be published8/18/2005 3:58 AM
I am so disgusted because I have to write this stupid book about this whore from HELL! I wasted the past eight months of my life researching and investigating any and all information that pertained to the current Texas Supreme Court case pending in the most corporate loving court of judges you'd love to call your “friends”. I was appealing a conviction that the latest opinion self explains the jist of my battle since fall of 1999. When I discovered El Defenzor message board; that, I believed was a GODsend; at the time when I really needed a miracle. Well, I and Jaime were advocating the David’s while fighting the plethora of Goliaths, which ironically.... turns out to be the ones we helped as our Collateral Attack forced the goliaths to unite. I posted a message on the message board that basically stated that at the very least, if in fact Mr. Fernandez’s mother was a biological offspring of John G. Kenedy, Jr. she was entitled to back child support that legally would have been court ordered in this current legal climate. Not long after I received this e-mail: From : Sent : Monday, June 7, 2004 7:00 PM To : Subject : posting on Defenzor website -- the Kenedy Ranch Family issue Fernandez ... Inbox The Ferenandez family -- Ray & Marie -- who are suiting the Kenedy Ranch were very impressed by your knowledge in the matter. They really need you input on things.... Can u call me at El defenzor (Homero) -- my cell: (361) 947-xxxx or the Fernandez Family (Marie or Ray) at (361) 242 - 3073 Well you can imagine the joy at receiving this opportunity that little did I know would lead to my sitting here now and determined to tell how I “hustled a lot of people” in good faith! When I realized how every post I posted on the message board was considered “a hustle” to those I believed were “Davids”! “Hey I never said I was going to help yall with Christmas, yall hustle a lot of people” Marie stated in no uncertain terms. Full of righteous indignation, self satisfication and with reckless disregard at Christmas. “I left yawl forty dollars and some presents and I told you I was not going to be available” Well if this ho from hell would have not said she was “going to help us out with Christmas”; I would not have been lead to believe I was going to be secure for the job I just accomplished. I am quite sure that the AKA “Marie Fernandez” (who claims she wants “lineage”) name is not Marie I am sure that she has used several alias that change as quick as she ruins the name!?! I don’t think we should bother with trying to find out who she actually really is, since she should already know... and there are oh so more, than I thought. Talk about fraud! Initial meeting: she called Ray to have him join us he asked if we knew B well I was unaware F had a brother named B much less that they knew. Ray stated that another lady raised his mother (Ann Fernandez) in Kingsville other than her mother (Mary Rowland). When we met her at “On the Border” the president of “CULLEN / FROST BANK” Mike Carrell showed up after we were seated. Marie was already talking about the Banks and I asked her if she knew who he was when he appeared. I knew who he was! I am an avid reader of our local papers society pages which he and his are a regular. Marie did not believe me, when I informed her who he was. So I said “I will introduce you to him” cuz I knew it was him. I walked up to him after we came out of the bathroom “Mr Carrell, may I introduce Mrs. Marie Fernandez! The Perfect gentleman, immediately, he stood as did the two other gentlemen at the table. Greetings were exchanged as JJ Gotchow (of Whataburger Field) and another whose name I cannot recall! Mr Carrell asked my name and I told them we were just wanting to introduce ourselves since we intended to be a presence in their immediate future. I should have known when I got so sick after that she was no good! Well, I needed an endeavor that would take my mind off of my legal odyssey that had forced me to learn all I could about the law where it pertained to my case. At this time, I was unaware that this person was somebody who changes names as easily as we change socks. Insert e-mail: From : Sent : Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:58 PM To : Subject : Re: Last one for now Fernandez ... Inbox WOW!! THATS A LOT TO SWALLOW! thank you for you messages of support on our board and the defenzor board. keep it up it will help us get the word out. I think the calvary is coming on board to help. it's about time. Thanks to God The next time I met her I was hoping to go to Rivera but sixty dollars did not cover expenses not to mention the time and effort Although I had not met Ann, I believed I was not stupid for believing in the “seeking of justice" for Ann Fernandez. No one in our network trusted the Fernandez' and they told us we were being used! But our network now knows (that) I know that Ann Fernandez'& all unknown & known heirs as well as unborn legal heirs best interest is not what “Marie” wants.
Re(1): OK tlee Ouch it is.Posted on November 1, 2005 at 12:25:38 PM by tleeSo in short and simple turns, Ray has let Marie take over the reins so to speak? Has anyone in your circle ever sat down with just Ray and talked to him about the case? I'm sure by now his attorney's have advised him against, but I'm talking about before this all blew up? I know I'm asking alot of questions. But I'm just trying to piece together how you ended up being the bad guy in their eyes. And if they read here and maybe post, everything you post is here and they could use it against you.
Re(2): OK tlee Ouch it is.Posted on November 1, 2005 at 03:22:52 PM by Jaime Kenedeño Ray was there! I have sat with Ray and discussed many an issue. I genuinely beleived him. It was never only Marie. Always Ray would discuss everything we were doing and give me suggestions or tips. We (me & my wife) spent many hours and many days almost daily for the first 6 months after the OUCH. Maybe they could use the postings against me?? Maybe I can use them for South Texas? I am sure they will use everything they can against me. It was never just Marie we were always checking with Ray about this or that. But we watched it (Marie the Buffer) be that way with many. I can tell you story after story. Ray did not know South Texas. He did not know the people and circles of people. I watched out for him when nobody else would (at least publicly). He was shunned! Later on tonight I will tell you about the time when Ray joined the Rotary Club. He needed a bunch of "already members" to sign his Member Book. I can tell you of the Days we spent disecting Elena's Transcript. Maybe the two or three weeks we spent going through "THE BROTHER LEO FILES" as they called them. Truly amazing stuff. Letters from Sarita to Leo Leo to Sarita. To Peter Grace and Cardinal Krol. I can tell you how we traveled to here or there and did this or that over and over. What I tell you will be true. What Ray & Marie promised in here I still have. They made committments on this board and the same committments were made to me in person. I have emails and witnesses to back up the committments that they made. I welcome my postings being used in a court of law if that is what must happen. Truth is on my side. All I have to do is tell it the way it was and is. That I welcome! tlee, have you not read any of the battles fought in this room between me as Fernandez Advocate and the KFATSO / Diocese. They were evil & ruthless. I spared them not and pierced their underbelly. Now it all out in the open! But there is still even more to bring out into the open. It will play out here in this room!
Re(3): OK tlee Ouch it is.Posted on November 1, 2005 at 04:57:12 PM by tlee"tlee, have you not read any of the battles fought in this room between me as Fernandez Advocate and the KFATSO / Diocese. They were evil & ruthless. I spared them not and pierced their underbelly. Now it all out in the open! But there is still even more to bring out into the open. It will play out here in this room!" I'm still not sure what KFATSO is?Diocese is the church right? I'll do some more reading tonight and see if I can catch-up! This will be learning experience for me! I wonder why there is no more media attention than there has been? There was an article in the Dallas Morning News awhile back , nothing has ever been mentioned about you or your cause in anything I've read. Why is that, I would have figured that a local reporter in your area would be all over this story?
KFATSO: KENEDY FOUNDATION AND TRUST SOON OBSOLETE!Posted on November 2, 2005 at 03:52:14 AM by Jaime Kenedeño John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation
tlee: I can handle thatPosted on October 28, 2005 at 08:49:08 PM by Jaime I will work with you. Truly I am not a spellcheckr! Just wanted to nit pick. LOL
Re(1): tlee: I can handle thatPosted on October 28, 2005 at 11:48:13 PM by dannoynted1better on u than me tlee! lol
Re(2): tlee: I can handle thatPosted on October 29, 2005 at 01:26:02 AM by tleeYou know what? I forgot to include my fishing trip to BAFFIN BAY/JUNE 05! I caught a 8.5 SPECKLED TROUT! (currently being mounted)I know that's not the biggest.. spellcheckr? But, it was the biggest that was caught from the Private Pier that I was fishing from!
tlee: What .......Posted on October 29, 2005 at 02:38:57 AM by Jaime Private Pier might that be? The True History of South Texas?? Is that a book? What sources are included? Did it mention Carmen Morell Kenedy?? Or the Kenedy Pasture Company? Maybe De Llanno? Baffin Bay is one of my favorite places to fish. Myself I like to troll the mouth on both sides Point Penascal and Point of Rocks! One time a storm blew in and we had to get to the closest shore. It was at the corner of Kenedy Shores where the Bay congrues with the intercoastal. Some of the best fishing in the world. Hell we always catch em big we call em LOGS. We never weigh em just go by length! A 31 inch Flounder, 27 28 inch trout all day long. My favorite is the fight of the Redfish. The fun is catching them on 8# test. Watch em run, wear em out and reel em in! Now, that is what I am talkin bout Baffin Bay!
Re(1): tlee: What .......Posted on October 29, 2005 at 03:19:23 AM by tlee"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice what to deceive" That's a favorite of mine during the halloween season?
How so??Posted on October 29, 2005 at 03:34:43 AM by Jaime "When first we practice what to deceive" OR "When we practice to deceive" "Spell" Checker again! After all I am QUALITY CONTROL! LOL Elaborate? Please do!
Re(2): tlee: What .......Posted on October 29, 2005 at 03:25:46 AM by tlee"practice to deceive" Who and What is a different story!
tlee: I will now refer you to the Fallacy of Fernandez Arguement....Posted on October 29, 2005 at 04:49:02 AM by Jaime Go to page 10. Down the page III begins! Read the tangled web that was wove and the statutory fondling of an oh so "unscrupulus one". What an insult if in fact the words were substituted within a statute. 711.004 Health & Safety Code. Mr Hatchell points out Fernandez does three improper things;........ did she in fact do these three improper things? To verify we must compare to her submittted ebrief, but first read what is asserted and then your input I await?
Or did Mr Mike Hatchell embellish as he accuses Fernandez?Posted on October 29, 2005 at 05:01:34 AM by Jaime § 711.004. REMOVAL OF REMAINS. (a) Remains interred in a cemetery may be removed from a plot in the cemetery with the written consent of the cemetery organization operating the cemetery and the written consent of the current plot owner or owners and the following persons, in the priority listed: (1) the decedent's surviving spouse; (2) the decedent's surviving adult children; (3) the decedent's surviving parents; (4) the decedent's adult siblings; or (5) the adult person in the next degree of kinship in the order named by law to inherit the estate of the decedent. (b) A person listed in Subsection (a) may consent to the removal only if there is no person in a priority listed before that person. (c) If the consent required by Subsection (a) cannot be obtained, the remains may be removed by permission of the county court of the county in which the cemetery is located. Before the date of application to the court for permission to remove remains under this subsection, notice must be given to: (1) the cemetery organization operating the cemetery in which the remains are interred; (2) each person whose consent is required for removal of the remains under Subsection (a); and (3) any other person that the court requires to be served.
Re(1): Or did Mr Mike Hatchell embellish as he accuses Fernandez?Posted on October 31, 2005 at 06:57:18 PM by tleeThank you for links. I'll trying to Play KETCHUP for the next few days. SPELL CHECK
Anticipation, anticipyayayation!Posted on October 31, 2005 at 07:32:00 PM by Jaime Kenedeño It's making wait! Remember the commercial? Hunt or Heinze? Lucian or Teresa?
Re(1): Anticipation, anticipyayayation!Posted on October 31, 2005 at 11:26:37 PM by tleeNeither! I speak for ONLY MYSELF. Not everyone who posts here is related to the casen at hand!
Beleive me if you are here reading U R definitely...Posted on November 1, 2005 at 02:21:37 AM by Jaime Kenedeño "related to the case at hand!" By just conversing here in this room you have introduced your spirit to one that refuses to go away until the wrongs have been RIGHTED (writed). You already know what I speak of cuz you are back after vowing to never return!
tlee: What .......Posted on October 29, 2005 at 03:41:13 AM by dannoynted1you really need to do is read thatt book by dean koontz "the bad place" it sounds like your kinda "fetish" lololololol roflmao bwahahahahahahahahahahaaaahaahha spellchecker he should have used
Re(3): tlee: INDULGE MEPosted on October 29, 2005 at 03:37:56 AM by Jaime Who? What? Are you referring to ME? OR Are you citing "The Ghost in the Machine"?
Re(3): tlee: I can handle thatPosted on October 29, 2005 at 01:58:22 AM by Jaime Something is telling me not to respond to you in the view of all. I am interested! You are welcome to communicate with me confidentially by email. In fact I appeal to your JURISDICTION! I hope that is not too overt?
Re(2): tlee: I can handle thatPosted on October 29, 2005 at 01:08:29 AM by tleeI"m not sure what your laughing at? I just went fishing and stumbled upon this whole mess of a STORY? I read the history of the True South Texas before I got to Port Mansfield!
tlee: What can we (here in this room) do for you?Posted on October 29, 2005 at 02:08:10 AM by Jaime Are you a Publisher? Do you want an exclusive story? Can you market it? Or what can we (here in this room) do for you in regards to "this whole mess of a STORY"? Do you want to discuss the Exhumation? Is there anything specific that you seek maybe for another case or other litigation?
Re(1): tlee: What can we (here in this room) do for you?Posted on October 31, 2005 at 06:52:54 PM by tleeWho here posted something about, and I'm not sure the exact words, but it'something to the effect that Estates cannot be closed if there are Oil and Gas leases involved? Whoever it was, I would like to know you have or know of a specific case here in Texas? In the oil and gas business, there is constant paperwork involved. Divions orders have to be signed by all parties who are recieving money from the leases, new wells have to be drilled and the old ones maintained or capped or new one drilled.
tlee: An Authority on the SubjectPosted on November 1, 2005 at 08:25:05 AM by Joe Carroll Exxon CEO will retire while still at the top President Rex Tillerson is likely to succeed Lee Raymond at the world's largest publicly traded firm. By Joe Carroll / Bloomberg News Image Tillerson Comment on this story Send this story to a friend Get Home Delivery Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Lee Raymond will retire at the end of 2005, ending a 12-year reign in which he built a Standard Oil Trust successor into the world's largest publicly traded company. President Rex Tillerson, 53, probably will succeed the 66-year-old Raymond as chairman and CEO, Irving, Texas-based Exxon Mobil said today in a statement. At the board's request, Raymond became the first chief since 1933 to work past the company's mandatory retirement age of 65. Exxon Mobil's cash balance more than tripled in the past two years to $30 billion. "Lee Raymond has left the company in the best financial and operating shape ever," said Fadel Gheit, an analyst at Oppenheimer & Co. in New York who rates Exxon Mobil shares at buy and doesn't own any. Tillerson "is a man who has spent all his career with Exxon, and he has been through all their businesses in the U.S. and outside of the U.S." Raymond led the former Exxon Corp.'s 1999 purchase of Mobil Corp. for $85.2 billion, the biggest oil acquisition in history. Exxon Mobil last week posted the highest second-quarter profit in its 123-year existence and had the most revenue on record for any public company. Raymond "orchestrated the development of the modern global energy company," said Gene Pisasale, a former Exxon Mobil geologist who helps manage $36 billion at Wilmington Trust Co. in Wilmington, Del. "He engineered the most successful merger in energy-sector history and one of the most successful in the history of corporate America." Since Raymond was named chief executive in April 1993, Exxon Mobil's shares have risen an average of 14 percent annually, including reinvestment of dividends. Before being promoted to president last year and emerging as the leading candidate to replace Raymond, Tillerson managed some of Exxon Mobil's biggest projects and handled some of its most delicate negotiations.
Re(1): tlee: An Authority on the SubjectPosted on November 1, 2005 at 11:58:58 PM by Jaime Kenedeño Jaime Kenedeño said... Romeo Lomas (King Ranch Puppet) and the recycling program: Will Lomas donate all of his beer cans? Kingsville Economic Development is where there is a connection Originally Posted on October 7, 2004 at 11:57:54 PM by Jaime Marc Cisneros is one of the common denominators. Current CFO of the John G & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation. Donated Land for Kingsville Economic Development plan. But before he was CFO of KFATSO he was part of the Kingsville Economic Development as President of TAMUK. He sat on both sides and in fact played himself a game of chess with regard to the Brokered deal. He was also a highly ranked General specializing in covert operations. He also Brokered deals with the King Ranch who when it boils down to it is Jack Hunt (whos involved in the Kingsville economic Development Group), Ray Lee Hunt and Exxon (who's CEO is Lee Raymond. Exxon is common between KFATSO & King Ranch as is Hunt oil (who Ray Lee Hunt is CEO). The Black Helicopters came into town and Two specific buildings were damaged. One of them was the old Exxon Building. What role did Marc Cisneros play? Kenedy Foundation And Trust Soon Obsolete (KFATSO) has many of the same operatives as does the King Ranch. Two attorneys John Matthew Sjoberg & Shannon Ratliff. Ratliff's Father is the Former Lt. Gov. of Texas. Her Family are very powerful people in Austin. They share Law Firms like Crofts & Callaway and Mike Hatchell (Super Lawyer). This is Exxon, the Hunts, & the Ex-Military federal element behind the good ole King Ranch name & its Running W Brand. There was a social study done on Kingsville prior to the demise of it's leaders. The WIA funded study moved in through Hector Hinojosa in the TANF work program. Who was his Liason? Texas Workforce? DHS? The Grants for the Dare program as well as the constables Affiliated with Romeo Lomas and the recycling program / community service division stem from the seemingly benign Welfare Investment Act. This created the private sector relationship with the public sector. Now we get the businesses recieving public money as incentive to develop welfare recipients. But it has been exploited. Now Lomas fights hard for a "NEW" District Court for Kenedy / Cleberg County. What is wrong Romeo? King Ranch cannot conduct it's puppet show with Banales as Judge? Nueces De La Parra
Not I said the Little Bird!Posted on November 1, 2005 at 02:27:31 AM by Jaime Kenedeño But brilliant nonetheless!
Re(1): tlee: What can we (here in this room) do for you?Posted on October 29, 2005 at 03:06:53 AM by tleeI came here to read and ask questions!
Re(1): tlee: What can we (here in this room) do for you?Posted on October 29, 2005 at 02:37:50 AM by tleeJ...i'm still trying to "catch up" on my "reading"! Enter: New Posters; with new ideas and new "blood" so to speak! After all, it is HALLOWEEN!
tlee: I am not a Halloween Person! Posted on October 29, 2005 at 02:54:00 AM by Jaime Spiritually I am adverse to the evil! Not to say One who celebrates Halloween is Evil. This celebration is implementing the muscle on Pedophiles and has been brilliantly pro active this year! The offenders are being ordered to "recuse" themselves from participation like: giving candy, decorations, & location location location! Again I can feel your presence! Shall we dance in here?
Re(1): tlee: I can handle thatPosted on October 28, 2005 at 09:10:27 PM by tleeGrassyass! LOL
LOL! You are welcomePosted on October 28, 2005 at 11:03:56 PM by Jaime tlee I can be as gracious as the next person. Maybe I interpreted your communication as you did not intend? If you have any questions feel free to ask in this room or you may contact the email of Ray Fernandez or contact the kenedyranch webmaster his email and phone number are listed. tlee does that come from atlee?
Re(1): LOL! You are welcomePosted on October 28, 2005 at 11:22:50 PM by tleeJaime, somewhere along the lines, you and I got crossed. I cannot tell you how or why, but we BUTTED HEADS! As far as the email? I have responded to the email address that Marie posted apparently in response to my post and that's it! I have no idea what atlee is? tlee is a combo of my first and middle name! And BTW, I lived in Denton, TEXAS!
It is not a problem dissagreements can be Productive!Posted on October 29, 2005 at 08:31:02 AM by Jaime I am surprised they havent contacted you by now? I have an email as well if you need to contact me (Discretionary of Course). As does the webmaster and any other who provides the link in the middle row EMAIL the Screen Name comes out as a hyperlink you can just click it. I prefer discussion for all to join in! As always "little birds" arrive by emails nowadays! PAX
The bashing of honorable families will no longer be tolerated
Posted on October 28, 2005 at 02:53:22 PM by Tony
The bashing of honorable families will no longer be tolerated. If anyone has a true reason to doubt me then feel free to send any any all complaints, and supportive evidence to the court. The Texas Supreme Court was to give an answer this Friday but now is postponed. My family has been in south Texas a long time including San Antonio and Austin.
Tony: What makes your word undoubted?
Posted on October 29, 2005 at 07:08:50 AM by Jaime
"The bashing of honorable families will no longer be tolerated."
Please Tony can you be more specific and refer to case history?
Who drew first blood?
I will be delivering Marksman Newspapers to a neighborhood near you.
Is your Family Honorable?
Are YOU Honorable?
If YOU are "TWO FER" then you are a dishonorable MAN and part of the "máquinaria"!
You are a YANQUI!
Nonetheless Mr TWO FER; These Mexicans, how much do you think you can buy these (El Defenzor) MEXICANS for?
I dont think you can afford em!
"If anyone has a true reason to doubt me" TRUE REASON??
Who are you?
What makes your word undoubted?
How much are you getting paid for your brief entrance & exit?
Else why would an aristocratic arrogant elitist bother with us?
You cannot afford us.
And you cannot debate us!
So you try the intimidation tactic without (may I add) "uno centavo" worth of shock value or dissuasion.
"then feel free to send any any all complaints, and supportive evidence to the court."
What court and in care of Tony??
I will need a last name sir!
And then what are your intentions?
Due Diligence?
OR Justus?
"The Texas Supreme Court was to give an answer this Friday but now is postponed."
Can you refer me to your source or is it not Public Information?
Why was it (the decision) Postponed?
Are you upset about the De Lay?
"My family has been in South Texas a long time including San Antonio and Austin.
OR do you prefer the PC terminology HISPANIC?
Que quieras Tony?
Abogado Vendido?
Tony: What about other heirs and relatives of blood relation who were squeezed out?
Posted on October 29, 2005 at 09:26:47 AM by Jaime
Where should I forward my knowledge regarding the issue below?
Oh Yeah i almost forgot to tell you...
Posted on October 16, 2005 at 06:58:22 AM by JFK
about the Amicus Curiae I will be presenting to the Justices in Austin.
I am arguing for Fernandez Lineage as well as the other heirs and relatives of blood relation who were squeezed out.
It is much more than that but I will let it surface through the JUSTICE system in Austin.
It will be productive for all known & unknown relations.
Even if they have previously settled.
This will bring much more power and a much louder voice to the "Fernandez Cause"!
It names relatives living and deceased who are entitled to consideration regarding lineage primarily.
It is also dealing with the Limits of Statute as Fernandez will inevitably joust with this burden in the future.
Re(1): Family Court
Posted on October 28, 2005 at 11:35:57 PM by dannoynted1
no longer tolerated by who?
who bashed who?
the "ultimate penalty"
Re(1): Family Court
Posted on October 28, 2005 at 02:55:03 PM by Rene
God bless you Tony!
Go Tony Go! Go Tony Go!
Posted on October 29, 2005 at 07:20:51 AM by Jaime
Like the Geico commercial guy says, "YOU CAN DO IT"!
Hey Rene answer a question for me?
Rene........? the infamous attorney for the CCPOA how do you make a $90K mistake?
I can understand an extra zero or maybe even a TWO FER more zeros but how do you write TEN THOUSAND and spin it into ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND?
And your witness Esquire Terry Shamsie?
What's up with that?
and what is up with the Rainbow Building?
i understand it was sold for $100K to who?
Now the County pays rent to the owner of $100K per year?
Correct me if I am out of line?
Is that Tony the "Two Fer"
Posted on October 28, 2005 at 06:18:51 PM by Jaime
My family is now your family!
Ask your niece!
What will you do?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A Cop Shoots a 16-Year-Old In His Classroom
CCPD Officer David Mendoza: "If the student would have been swinging, I probably would have shot him"
A Cop Shoots a 16-Year-Old In His Classroom Taser Brutality in Our Schools
Pierre Tristam/Candide’s Notebooks, February 7, 2007
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Barbarism with a Taser's face: the M26 model used against the 16-year-old student at Flagler Palm Coast High School, Florida |
I’m not going to mention his name, even though it’s been all over the media. His rights have been violated enough. So has his person, physically, violently, by the high school he attends, by the sheriff’s deputy called to subdue him, and subsequently by the sheriff himself and the school district, who alternately rationalized, justified, excused and in some measures applauded what they should have condemned outright as a barbaric act: The willful electrocution by Taser of a 16-year-old boy, a special education student with emotional or behavioral problems, in his classroom, for refusing to do his work. They’ll tell you that he hit a deputy. He did. But only in reaction to the deputy’s attempt to wrestle the boy off his seat and forcibly remove him from his classroom, simply because the student refused to follow directions. The whole thing unfolded in a matter of minutes, not hours: the school wanted to keep its schedule. By morning’s end a 16-year-old had been booked at the county jail on a felony charge, then shipped off to a juvenile “detention” facility one county over. And the deputy typed “case closed” at the end of his incident report. This is the country we’re living in, the police agencies we have to live with, and the school systems that enable them. This is the county I’m living in: this happened in my school district, in Flagler County, last Thursday, at Flagler Palm Coast High School, the school where my daughter would be attending in a couple of years, although I hear the former sheriff, speaking to the school board today, told the five men and women that “if this board doesn’t take a stand you’ll never get a chance to educate my 10-year-old child.” Our daughter is being home-schooled in preparation for ninth grade there. But those words sound right to me.
This, then, is what happened, based on what school district personnel said, what the sheriff said, and what the sheriff’s incident report says. The student was in Robert Ripley’s classroom. He was refusing to complete an assignment. He was being “disruptive.” He was not being violent: he was not physically hurting anyone or anything. He was acting out. Nothing extraordinary there, in the sense that disruptions like that occur, even with “regular” students, and are expected to occur with special ed students. Paul Peacock, a vice-principal, and another individual whose name was misspelled on the incident report were in Robert Ripley’s classroom when the “school resource deputy,” Scott Vedder, arrived. (For those of you reading this in more civilized places, like New Jersey, cops are routinely assigned to permanent security detail in schools here, even in elementary schools, and euphemistically referred to as “school resource officers” or “school resource deputies.” An uncle of mine from Princeton, N.J., who happened to be visiting here the evening after the incident at the high school, was describing to me a school in Jersey that was testing the law by attempting to forbid cops from entering school grounds even if going after a student suspect; the school was arguing that a school should be a sanctuary. Interesting idea. Heretical, in a semi-police state like Florida . Likely laughable, in a county like mine.)
Let Vedder’s account in his incident report pick up the story at this point; the timeline picks up just before Vedder arrives, based on what the adults in the room told Vedder:
When [the student] was approached by his teacher R. Ripley, he became very belligerent and refused to participate. [The student] advised R. Ripley that he was not going to do the assignment and pushed all of his books onto the floor and threw his pencil across the room. At that time R. Ripley asked [the student] to leave the room with him. [The student] refused and said “fuck you.” At that time Mr. Peacock walked into the class room [sic.]. Upon Mr. Peacock being advised of the situation he had the other students relocate to the class room next door and asked for my assistance via school radio. While I was responding to the class room Mark Montieth arrived and he and Mr. Peacock continued to coax [the student] to leave the class room. [The student] refused to get out of his chair and go to the dean’s office. I then attempted to talk with [the student]. I attempted to talk [the student] into leaving the class room peacefully. I advised him that we needed to go to Mr. Peacock’s office and talk before the situation gets worse than it needs to be.
The emphasis is mine: not only has the deputy already escalated the situation by his presence; he is dropping threats of how much further the situation will escalate. There’s pre-meditation in crime. There’s also such a thing as pre-meditated provocation, a police skill. You see it in action here: the student wasn’t worsening the situation with his obstinacy. The deputy was worsening it by forcing the issue. He had the student psychologically cornered and surrounded. Now he was moving in, making the situation worse than it needed to be. The incident report again:
[The student] then advised that he was not getting up and nobody was going to get him out of the chair or the class room, Because [sic.] he did not want to go. I then advised [the student] that he did not havwe a choice in the matter, because he was under arrest for disruption of a school function.
The emphasis is again mine. There’s a new one on me. You can get arrested for not doing your work. For not following a teacher’s directions. For not going to “the office.” It’s a wonder I didn’t spend my entire elementary and middle school career in prison. Then again I was attending school in a more civilized place than this (by which I mean, of course, Lebanon, where Jesuits had a more effective weapon than Tasers and guns put together. It’s called persuasion and patience, a deadly combination if you’re an obstinate student like me. Jesuits generally had intelligence on their side, too.) What Deputy Scott Vedder promised, he fulfilled. It got worse:
At that time I attempted to physically remove him from the desk with an escort technique of the right arm. [The student] immediately pulled his arm away and tensed up the muscles in his upper body resisting my attempt to remove him from the chair. I advised him that if he did not comply I would deploy my Taser.
An extremely important detail here: the deputy made his first threat of using the Taser before the student had acted violently. The school board and I suspect the majority of the public would—because of the way the sheriff’s office conveyed the story—subsequently be under the impression that the Taser was used because the student struck the deputy. Not so. The deputy was ready to use the Taser whether or not the student was going to lift a hand to him, and makes that clear in the record.
He again pulled his arm away from me, looked directly at me and pulled his drew his [sic.] left hand back. [The student] then struck me in the left check with the palm of his left hand as I attempted to move out of his reach.
At the school board meeting on Tuesday, the deputy’s supervisor, Zane Kelly, exaggerated the situation just as he had exaggerated it when describing it to the press by saying that the student “struck my deputy with a closed fist.” The incident report is clear: the deputy was struck “with the palm of [the student’s] left hand.” So it goes: not only do the authorities — school and police — needlessly escalate a situation, but the perceived gravity of the incident is needlessly escalated as it is subsequently described, and in a way that unequivocally demarcates victim from officer: the victim is a demon out of control; the officer is a hero who had no choice, and followed all protocols. They call these here, proudly, “the matrix of force.” Here it is in action:
At that time I disengaged from [the student] and drew my M26 Taser emitting the laser aiming function onto his chest and advised him several times to get down on the ground or I would deploy the Taser [sic.] [The student] refused to comply so I then deployed the Taser by pulling the trigger one time for a five second cycle. [That’s 50,000 volts for five seconds, pronged into the student’s skin.] [The student] then rolled off of the chair onto the ground. [The student] then complied with all of my commands and I was able to secure him without further incident.
If irony could speak. A important bit of history: Two years ago when the new sheriff was elected (Don Fleming who, incidentally, had been a police chief in a New Jersey Meadowlands town much like the one portrayed in “Copland”) he immediately talked about arming his school cops with Tasers. The school board discussed it and rejected the idea. The sheriff said he’d comply. He was even quoted to that effect in the papers. Obviously, he didn’t. The school board met on Tuesday. The sense before the meeting was that a clear policy would be drawn up banning Tasers from schools. Not so fast. The board prevaricated. The board attorney advised against a policy, otherwise the school board would be liable should a student be hurt in an incident where, say, a gun was used where a Taser might have done better. So goes the twisted logic of agencies more fearful of lawsuits than protective of their students. No one seemingly condemned the use of the Taser outright. No one seemed, as they should have been, outraged. Doubt was getting more than its benefit. It was sprinkling the whitewash. So the best they could settle on was a workshop to discuss the matter further. Zane Kelly, the school cops’ supervisor, even used the word “proud” when describing his deputy’s reaction after the deputy was allegedly “struck.” Because, Kelly said, the deputy backed up, composed himself, and ordered the student to comply.
Then he fired.
And we wonder why we’re living in such violent times. And we wonder why, when stories like this make it into the press, the reaction by the general public is revoltingly approving of the use of force under those false rationales that even the local superintendent and cops are quick to use: better a Taser than a gun. As if those were the only two options. As if we have become so barbaric in our algorithms of law and order that the only two variables in the formula have to be force and order. And all this because a 16-year-old boy, a special education student, was acting out. It reminds me of another recent incident in the Daytona Beach area a couple of weeks back that began with a speeding car, was followed by a high-speed chase, and ended with thirty cops’ bullets fired at the car. The two occupants somehow survived, though they were wounded. And the cops didn’t even know if the person on the passenger side was a kidnapping victim or worse. But they fired. What triggered the folly it in the student’s case, and who’s at fault for letting the student escalate to the point where a cop was in the classroom instead of a trained counselor, a conflict-resolution specialist, even a couple of medics for that matter? (The medics turned up later, post-zapping.)
The Palm Coast high school student is 275 pounds and 6 or 6-1. His size is used repeatedly as further justification that he could have been trouble. The more reason to invoke conflict-resolution techniques. His size, his age, his status as a special education student are all irrelevant in the end: Tasering a student in his school, in his classroom, a student who was causing no worse harm than upsetting, loudly and maybe aggravatingly, a day’s routine, is a greater crime than anything the student could have been doing.
A couple of other details about the incident. The student is black. To my knowledge, every individual involved in his disciplining and cornering was white, even though the school has a black dean and a black assistant principal. Maybe color is irrelevant in this case. Maybe it isn’t. It certainly shouldn’t be ignored. Neither should this: The student’s father died a violent death some years ago. And Tuesday, while the school board discussed his case in a cakewalk of prevarications, the student turned 17. Happy birthday. Oh, and this week is “Disability Awareness Week” at Flagler Palm Coast High School, “in order to create more compassion for those with disabilities.” Great job.
- No Tasers in schools [Daytona Beach News-Journal editorial]
- A public forum where the Taser matter is debated. Brace yourself. Fox News language ahead.
Comments (13)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Collusion,.... WATT Makes It Legal In South Texas Politics
Collusion is an agreement, usually secretive, which occurs between two or more persons to deceive, mislead, or defraud others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically involving fraud or gaining an unfair advantage. It can involve "wage fixing, kickbacks, or misrepresenting the independence of the relationship between the colluding parties."[1] All acts affected by collusion are considered void.[2]
[edit] Definition
In the study of economics and market competition, collusion takes place within an industry when rival companies cooperate for their mutual benefit. Collusion most often takes place within the market form of oligopoly, where the decision of a few firms to collude can significantly impact the market as a whole. Cartels are a special case of explicit collusion. Collusion which is not overt, on the other hand, is known as tacit collusion.
[edit] Variations
According to neoclassical price-determination theory and game theory, the independence of suppliers forces prices to their minimum, increasing efficiency and decreasing the price determining ability of each individual firm. However, if firms collude to increase prices loss of sales is minimized as consumers lack alternative choices at lower prices. This benefits the colluding firms at the cost of efficiency to society.
One variation of this traditional theory is the theory of kinked demand. Firms face a kinked demand curve if, when one firm decreases its price, other firms will follow suit in order to maintain sales, and when one firm increases its price, its rivals are unlikely to follow, as they would lose the sales' gains that they would otherwise get by holding prices at the previous level. Kinked demand potentially fosters supra-competitive prices because any one firm would receive a reduced benefit from cutting price, as opposed to the benefits accruing under neoclassical theory and certain game theoretic models such as Bertrand competition.
[edit] Characteristics
Practices that facilitate tacit collusion include:
- Uniform prices
- A penalty for price discounts
- Advance notice of price changes
- Information exchange
[edit] Examples
Collusion is largely illegal in the United States, Canada and most of the EU due to antitrust law, but implicit collusion in the form of price leadership and tacit understandings still takes place. Several examples of collusion in the United States include:
- Andrew Malyi and market division among manufacturers of heavy electrical equipment in the 1960s.
- An attempt by Major League Baseball owners to restrict players' salaries in the mid-1980s.
- Price fixing within food manufacturers providing cafeteria food to schools and the military in 1993.
- Market division and output determination of livestock feed additive by companies in the US, Japan and South Korea in 1996.
There are many ways that implicit collusion tends to develop:
- The practice of stock analyst conference calls and meetings of industry participants almost necessarily results in tremendous amounts of strategic and price transparency. This allows each firm to see how and why every other firm is pricing their products.
- If the practice of the industry causes more complicated pricing, which is hard for the consumer to understand (such as risk-based pricing, hidden taxes and fees in the wireless industry, negotiable pricing), this can cause competition based on price to be meaningless (because it would be too complicated to explain to the customer in a short advertisement). This causes industries to have essentially the same prices and compete on advertising and image, something theoretically as damaging to consumers as normal price fixing.
[edit] Barriers
There are significant barriers to collusion. These include:
- The number of firms: As the number of firms in an industry increases, it is more difficult to successfully organize, collude and communicate.
- Cost and demand differences between firms: If costs vary significantly between firms, it may be impossible to establish a price at which to fix output.
- Cheating: There is considerable incentive to cheat on collusion agreements; although lowering prices might trigger price wars, in the short term the defecting firm may gain considerably.
- Potential entry: New firms may enter the industry, establishing a new baseline price and eliminating collusion (though anti-dumping laws and tariffs can prevent foreign companies entering the market).
- Economic recession: An increase in average total cost or a decrease in revenue provides incentive to compete with rival firms in order to secure a larger market share and increased demand.
[edit] See also
[edit] References
- Vives, X. (1999) Oligopoly pricing, MIT Press, Cambridge MA (readable; suitable for advanced undergraduates.)
- Tirole, J. (1988) The Theory of Industrial Organization, MIT Press, Cambridge MA (An organized introduction to industrial organization)
- Tirole, J. (1986), "Hierarchies and Bureaucracies", Journal of Law Economics and Organization, vol. 2, pp.181-214.
- Tirole, J. (1992), "Collusion and the Theory of Organizations", Advances in Economic Theory: Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of the Econometric Society, ed by J.-J. Laffont. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, vol.2:151-206.
[edit] Other
- Collusion Syndicate - an Austin, Texas based computer hacker organization.
